“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”
“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” (Psalm 40:3)
You...are a unique individual. As God says a peculiar person. There is none other like you. As His child, He created you and He delights in you. He created a song in your heart that He wants to bring forth.
My job is to come alongside to help bring that uniqueness to its proper fulfillment. To walk with you to help you discover the fullness of all you were created to be, whether it is working through a crisis or enhancing your gifts before God. To help release your spirit to sing the song that was written there by God.
How does this happen?
On my part, it is to be still before God to see where and how He is working in your life. I don't have the answers...He does. It's our job to discover them. He knows you better than anyone else. And He is eager to reveal Himself uniquely in His children. My job is to walk along with you for a spell to prompt the release of the things holding you back to allow you to wholeheartedly embrace and live the life you were created for. The objective is to release His glory...such that Christ in you, the hope of glory forms deeply in your spirit - and you experience the fulfillment of it being released in and through you. It is a most worthwhile adventure! For you ARE of great worth in His eyes and He longs to release His love and power in and through you. So whether you are weathering a marital crisis or just want to get to the next level in your life, I am willing to come alongside to help.
This process employs a very practical approach with goals and accountability based on scriptural principles uniquely designed for where you are in your walk with God. I hate to say this but the other thing it entails is...love (cause we sometimes get too wrapped up in ministering and leave the love behind. I know - I used to do it). Not the mushy worldly kind of love, but the powerful, redeeming, freeing Godly kind. Sometimes it will be compassionate...and sometimes it will be tough love - and everything in between. After all, He did tell us the Great Commandment was to love your neighbor as yourself. And I Corinthians 13 says doing ministry without love is like a noisy gong or a clanging symbol - irritating. We don't want that. You will see that the approach we take is designed to not only teach you better skills, but to engrain a deeper love in yourself. For if you don't love yourself, you're not going to be able to effectively love others. You can't give what you don't have.
The way we'll start this is with an interview - you interview me and I interview you. It's free. You can call me at (317-933-2946) or contact me by email: [email protected]. We have to see if this is the time and place for us to fellowship in His presence through what you are going through or desiring to do. God will have to bring it forth. If it's not of Him that we do this at this time - we don't want to do it. You deserve only the best. If I am not best suited for your needs at this time, we certainly don't want to cheat you. God will show us, you'll see. You can read some of the attached articles I've written or my blog to get an idea of my approach to some of these things.
Should we be led to venture forth on this journey, we'll set up a time to talk over the phone on a regular basis. That is where I will coach you in where you need to go and how to get there. If God deems it so, I thank Him and you for the privilege! We'll go month to month. We'll also interact through emails. A lot can be accomplished there. I have articles I have written, or will write new ones to assist in this adventure. We will explore the awesomeness of God as it forms in and through you. It will be all confidential.
My job is to come alongside to help bring that uniqueness to its proper fulfillment. To walk with you to help you discover the fullness of all you were created to be, whether it is working through a crisis or enhancing your gifts before God. To help release your spirit to sing the song that was written there by God.
How does this happen?
On my part, it is to be still before God to see where and how He is working in your life. I don't have the answers...He does. It's our job to discover them. He knows you better than anyone else. And He is eager to reveal Himself uniquely in His children. My job is to walk along with you for a spell to prompt the release of the things holding you back to allow you to wholeheartedly embrace and live the life you were created for. The objective is to release His glory...such that Christ in you, the hope of glory forms deeply in your spirit - and you experience the fulfillment of it being released in and through you. It is a most worthwhile adventure! For you ARE of great worth in His eyes and He longs to release His love and power in and through you. So whether you are weathering a marital crisis or just want to get to the next level in your life, I am willing to come alongside to help.
This process employs a very practical approach with goals and accountability based on scriptural principles uniquely designed for where you are in your walk with God. I hate to say this but the other thing it entails is...love (cause we sometimes get too wrapped up in ministering and leave the love behind. I know - I used to do it). Not the mushy worldly kind of love, but the powerful, redeeming, freeing Godly kind. Sometimes it will be compassionate...and sometimes it will be tough love - and everything in between. After all, He did tell us the Great Commandment was to love your neighbor as yourself. And I Corinthians 13 says doing ministry without love is like a noisy gong or a clanging symbol - irritating. We don't want that. You will see that the approach we take is designed to not only teach you better skills, but to engrain a deeper love in yourself. For if you don't love yourself, you're not going to be able to effectively love others. You can't give what you don't have.
The way we'll start this is with an interview - you interview me and I interview you. It's free. You can call me at (317-933-2946) or contact me by email: [email protected]. We have to see if this is the time and place for us to fellowship in His presence through what you are going through or desiring to do. God will have to bring it forth. If it's not of Him that we do this at this time - we don't want to do it. You deserve only the best. If I am not best suited for your needs at this time, we certainly don't want to cheat you. God will show us, you'll see. You can read some of the attached articles I've written or my blog to get an idea of my approach to some of these things.
Should we be led to venture forth on this journey, we'll set up a time to talk over the phone on a regular basis. That is where I will coach you in where you need to go and how to get there. If God deems it so, I thank Him and you for the privilege! We'll go month to month. We'll also interact through emails. A lot can be accomplished there. I have articles I have written, or will write new ones to assist in this adventure. We will explore the awesomeness of God as it forms in and through you. It will be all confidential.